1. Synergistic effects of nanochitin on inhibition of tobacco root rot disease. 河南省优秀科技论文一等奖. 第二完成人
1. 江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目:Bip基因负调控寄主抗性的机制,KYCX19_0538, 2018.12 -2020.06, 主持人,结题
2. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目:大豆疫霉效应子PsAvh262挟持大豆BAG7调控寄主内质网应激的分子机制研究,31801715,2018.8 2019.1-2021.12,参与人,结题
3. 江苏省自然科学基金项目:大豆疫霉效应子PsAvh262结合大豆GmbZIP28s转录因子调控寄主内质网压力的机制研究,BK20180518,2018.07-2021.06,参与人,结题
4. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目:疫霉菌效应子,31625023,2017.01-2021.12,参与人,结题
1. Zhou, Yang; Yang, Kun; Yan, Qiang; Wang, Xiaodan; Cheng, Ming; Si, Jierui; Xue, Xue; Shen, Danyu; Jing, Maofeng; Tyler, Brett M.; Dou, Daolong. Targeting of anti-microbial proteins to the hyphal surface amplifies protection of crop plants against Phytophthora pathogens, Molecular Plant, 2021, 14(8): 1391-1403 (SCI, IF2020 = 13.164)
2. Zhou, Yang; Yang, Kun; Cheng, Ming; Cheng, Yang; Li, Yurong; Ai, Gan; Bai, Tian; Xu, Ruofei; Duan, Weiwei; Peng, Hao; Li, Xiaobo; Xia, Ai; Wang, Yuanchao; Jing, Maofeng; Dou, Daolong; Dickman, Marty B. Double-faced role of Bcl-2-associated athanogene 7 in plant-Phytophthora interaction, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2021, 72(15): 5751-5765 (SCI, IF2020 = 6.992)
3. Zhou, Yang; Jing, Maofeng; Levy, Amit; Wang, Hezhong; Jiang, Shijun; Dou, Daolong. Molecular mechanism of nanochitin whisker elicits plant resistance against Phytophthora and the receptors in plants, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 165(part B): 2660-2667 (SCI, IF2020 = 6.953)
4. Zhou, Yang; Jiang, Shijun; Jiao, Yongji; Wang, Hezhong. Synergistic effects of nanochitin on inhibition of tobacco root rot disease, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 99: 205-212 (SCI, IF2017 = 3.909)
1. 王合中,蒋士君,周扬,纳米几丁质在提高烟草产量和品质方面的应用,国家发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201610222996.x
1. Synergistic effects of nanochitin on inhibition of tobacco root rot disease. 河南省优秀科技论文一等奖. 第二完成人
1. 江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目:Bip基因负调控寄主抗性的机制,KYCX19_0538, 2018.12 -2020.06, 主持人,结题
2. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目:大豆疫霉效应子PsAvh262挟持大豆BAG7调控寄主内质网应激的分子机制研究,31801715,2018.8 2019.1-2021.12,参与人,结题
3. 江苏省自然科学基金项目:大豆疫霉效应子PsAvh262结合大豆GmbZIP28s转录因子调控寄主内质网压力的机制研究,BK20180518,2018.07-2021.06,参与人,结题
4. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目:疫霉菌效应子,31625023,2017.01-2021.12,参与人,结题
1. Zhou, Yang; Yang, Kun; Yan, Qiang; Wang, Xiaodan; Cheng, Ming; Si, Jierui; Xue, Xue; Shen, Danyu; Jing, Maofeng; Tyler, Brett M.; Dou, Daolong. Targeting of anti-microbial proteins to the hyphal surface amplifies protection of crop plants against Phytophthora pathogens, Molecular Plant, 2021, 14(8): 1391-1403 (SCI, IF2020 = 13.164)
2. Zhou, Yang; Yang, Kun; Cheng, Ming; Cheng, Yang; Li, Yurong; Ai, Gan; Bai, Tian; Xu, Ruofei; Duan, Weiwei; Peng, Hao; Li, Xiaobo; Xia, Ai; Wang, Yuanchao; Jing, Maofeng; Dou, Daolong; Dickman, Marty B. Double-faced role of Bcl-2-associated athanogene 7 in plant-Phytophthora interaction, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2021, 72(15): 5751-5765 (SCI, IF2020 = 6.992)
3. Zhou, Yang; Jing, Maofeng; Levy, Amit; Wang, Hezhong; Jiang, Shijun; Dou, Daolong. Molecular mechanism of nanochitin whisker elicits plant resistance against Phytophthora and the receptors in plants, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 165(part B): 2660-2667 (SCI, IF2020 = 6.953)
4. Zhou, Yang; Jiang, Shijun; Jiao, Yongji; Wang, Hezhong. Synergistic effects of nanochitin on inhibition of tobacco root rot disease, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 99: 205-212 (SCI, IF2017 = 3.909)
1. 王合中,蒋士君,周扬,纳米几丁质在提高烟草产量和品质方面的应用,国家发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201610222996.x