1. 必赢线路检测中心博士科研启动项目:绿针假单胞菌HL5-4抗菌物质的分离鉴定及其相关基因功能分析,2018-2023,主持;
2. 国家重点研发计划项目:新型高效生物杀菌剂研发,2017-2020,参与;
3. 国家现代农业产业技术体系专项,2021-2025,参与;
4. 河南省科技攻关:绿针假单胞菌抗菌物质的分离与鉴定研究,2020-2021,主持;
5. 河南省科技攻关:紫云英根瘤菌对油菜根肿病的生防潜力研究,2019-2020,参与。
1. He, M. H., Wang, Y. P., Wu, E., Shen, L. L., Yang, L. N., Wang, T., Shang, L. P., Zhu, W & Zhan, J. (2019). Constraining evolution of Alternaria alternata resistance to a demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicide difenoconazole. Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1609.
2. Yang, L. N., He, M. H., Ouyang, H. B., Zhu, W., Pan, Z. C., Sui, Q. J., Shang, L. P. & Zhan, J. (2019). Cross-resistance of the pathogenic fungus Alternaria alternata to fungicides with different modes of action. BMC microbiology 19(1), 205.
3. He, D. C., He, M. H., Amalin, D. M., Liu, W., Alvindia, D. G., & Zhan, J. (2021). Biological Control of Plant Diseases: An Evolutionary and Eco-economic Consideration. Pathogens 10(10), 1311.
4. Wu, E., Wang, Y. P., Yahuza, L., He, M. H., Sun, D. L., Huang, Y. M., Liu, Y. C., Yang, L. N., Zhu, W& Zhan, J. (2019). Rapid adaptation of the Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans to changing temperature. Evolutionary Applications 13(4), 768-780.
5. He, M. H., Li D. L., Zhu, W, Wu, E. J., Yang L. N., Wang Y. P., Waheed, A. & Zhan J. (2018) Slow and temperature-mediated pathogen adaptation to a nonspecific fungicide in agricultural ecosystem. Evolutionary Applications 11(2), 182-192.
6. Qin, C. F. , He, M. H., Chen F. P., Zhu, W, Yang L. N., Wu, E. J., Guo Z. L., Shang, L. P. & Zhan J. (2016) Comparative analyses of fungicide sensitivity and SSR marker variations indicate a low risk of developing azoxystrobin resistance in Phytophthora infestans. Scientific Reports 6, 20483.
7. Meng, J. W., Zhu, W, He, M. H., Wu, E. J., Duan G. H., Xie Y. K., Jin Y. J., Yang L. N., Shang, L. P. & Zhan J. (2015) Population genetic analysis reveals cryptic sex in the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria alternata. Scientific Reports 5, 18250.
8. Meng, J. W., Zhu, W., He, M. H., Wu, E. J., Yang, L. N., Shang, L. P. & Zhan, J. (2015) High genotype diversity and lack of isolation by distance in the Alternaria solani populations from China. Plant Pathology 64(2), 434-441.
9. 张忠良,刘东平,潘培培,何梦菡,邢小萍,申顺善. (2019)多粘类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa)K18-5不同悬浮液处理对黄瓜枯萎病抑制作用的影响. 必赢线路检测中心学报, 53(05): 724-730。
1. 必赢线路检测中心博士科研启动项目:绿针假单胞菌HL5-4抗菌物质的分离鉴定及其相关基因功能分析,2018-2023,主持;
2. 国家重点研发计划项目:新型高效生物杀菌剂研发,2017-2020,参与;
3. 国家现代农业产业技术体系专项,2021-2025,参与;
4. 河南省科技攻关:绿针假单胞菌抗菌物质的分离与鉴定研究,2020-2021,主持;
5. 河南省科技攻关:紫云英根瘤菌对油菜根肿病的生防潜力研究,2019-2020,参与。
1. He, M. H., Wang, Y. P., Wu, E., Shen, L. L., Yang, L. N., Wang, T., Shang, L. P., Zhu, W & Zhan, J. (2019). Constraining evolution of Alternaria alternata resistance to a demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicide difenoconazole. Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1609.
2. Yang, L. N., He, M. H., Ouyang, H. B., Zhu, W., Pan, Z. C., Sui, Q. J., Shang, L. P. & Zhan, J. (2019). Cross-resistance of the pathogenic fungus Alternaria alternata to fungicides with different modes of action. BMC microbiology 19(1), 205.
3. He, D. C., He, M. H., Amalin, D. M., Liu, W., Alvindia, D. G., & Zhan, J. (2021). Biological Control of Plant Diseases: An Evolutionary and Eco-economic Consideration. Pathogens 10(10), 1311.
4. Wu, E., Wang, Y. P., Yahuza, L., He, M. H., Sun, D. L., Huang, Y. M., Liu, Y. C., Yang, L. N., Zhu, W& Zhan, J. (2019). Rapid adaptation of the Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans to changing temperature. Evolutionary Applications 13(4), 768-780.
5. He, M. H., Li D. L., Zhu, W, Wu, E. J., Yang L. N., Wang Y. P., Waheed, A. & Zhan J. (2018) Slow and temperature-mediated pathogen adaptation to a nonspecific fungicide in agricultural ecosystem. Evolutionary Applications 11(2), 182-192.
6. Qin, C. F. , He, M. H., Chen F. P., Zhu, W, Yang L. N., Wu, E. J., Guo Z. L., Shang, L. P. & Zhan J. (2016) Comparative analyses of fungicide sensitivity and SSR marker variations indicate a low risk of developing azoxystrobin resistance in Phytophthora infestans. Scientific Reports 6, 20483.
7. Meng, J. W., Zhu, W, He, M. H., Wu, E. J., Duan G. H., Xie Y. K., Jin Y. J., Yang L. N., Shang, L. P. & Zhan J. (2015) Population genetic analysis reveals cryptic sex in the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria alternata. Scientific Reports 5, 18250.
8. Meng, J. W., Zhu, W., He, M. H., Wu, E. J., Yang, L. N., Shang, L. P. & Zhan, J. (2015) High genotype diversity and lack of isolation by distance in the Alternaria solani populations from China. Plant Pathology 64(2), 434-441.
9. 张忠良,刘东平,潘培培,何梦菡,邢小萍,申顺善. (2019)多粘类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa)K18-5不同悬浮液处理对黄瓜枯萎病抑制作用的影响. 必赢线路检测中心学报, 53(05): 724-730。