1. 必赢线路检测中心—青年英才项目:间座壳属真菌多样性研究,2020-2025,主持
2. 河南省科技攻关项目:河南省经济作物重要病原间座壳属真菌物种多样性研究,2022-2023,主持
1. Yashuang Guo; Pedro W Crous; Qing Bai; Min Fu; Mengmeng Yang; Xianhong Wang; Yamin Du; Ni Hong; Wenxing Xu; Guoping Wang*; High diversity of Diaporthe species associated with pear shoot canker in China, Persoonia, 2020, 45: 132-162. (2020 IF=8.23)
2. Xianhong Wang, Yashuang Guo, Yamin Du, Ziling Yang, Xinzhong Huang, Ni Hong Wenxing Xu, Guoping Wang*; Characterization of Diaporthe species associated with peach constriction canker, with two novel species from China, MycoKeys, 2021, 80: 77-90. (2020 IF=2.53)
3. Qing Bai; Guoping Wang; Yashuang Guo; Min Fu; Ni Hong*; First Report of Diaporthe tulliensis and Diaporthe actinidiae Causing Kiwifruit Stem Canker in Hubei and Anhui Provinces, China, Plant Disease, 2017, 101: 508. (2017 IF=3.17)
4. Yamin Du; Xianhong Wang; Yashuang Guo; Feng Xiao; Yuhong Peng; Ni Hong; Guoping Wang*; Biological and Molecular Characterization of Seven Diaporthe Species Associated with Shoot Blight and Leaf Spot of Kiwifruit in China, Phytopathologia Mediterranea. (2020 IF=2.04)
5. Min Fu; Pedro W Crous; Qing Bai; Pengfei Zhang; Jun Xiang; Yashuang Guo; Feifei Zhao; Mengmeng Yang; Ni Hong; Wenxing Xu*; Guoping Wang*; Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose of Pyrus spp. in China, Persoonia, 2018, 42: 1-35. (2018 IF=8.18)
6. MengMeng Yang, LiFeng Zhai, Feng Xiao, Yashuang Guo, Min Fu, Ni Hong, Guoping Wang*. Characterization of a novel victorivirus isolated from the phytopathogenic fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea. Archives of Virology, 2019, 164:1609–1617. (2019 IF=2.26)
1. 必赢线路检测中心—青年英才项目:间座壳属真菌多样性研究,2020-2025,主持
2. 河南省科技攻关项目:河南省经济作物重要病原间座壳属真菌物种多样性研究,2022-2023,主持
1. Yashuang Guo; Pedro W Crous; Qing Bai; Min Fu; Mengmeng Yang; Xianhong Wang; Yamin Du; Ni Hong; Wenxing Xu; Guoping Wang*; High diversity of Diaporthe species associated with pear shoot canker in China, Persoonia, 2020, 45: 132-162. (2020 IF=8.23)
2. Xianhong Wang, Yashuang Guo, Yamin Du, Ziling Yang, Xinzhong Huang, Ni Hong Wenxing Xu, Guoping Wang*; Characterization of Diaporthe species associated with peach constriction canker, with two novel species from China, MycoKeys, 2021, 80: 77-90. (2020 IF=2.53)
3. Qing Bai; Guoping Wang; Yashuang Guo; Min Fu; Ni Hong*; First Report of Diaporthe tulliensis and Diaporthe actinidiae Causing Kiwifruit Stem Canker in Hubei and Anhui Provinces, China, Plant Disease, 2017, 101: 508. (2017 IF=3.17)
4. Yamin Du; Xianhong Wang; Yashuang Guo; Feng Xiao; Yuhong Peng; Ni Hong; Guoping Wang*; Biological and Molecular Characterization of Seven Diaporthe Species Associated with Shoot Blight and Leaf Spot of Kiwifruit in China, Phytopathologia Mediterranea. (2020 IF=2.04)
5. Min Fu; Pedro W Crous; Qing Bai; Pengfei Zhang; Jun Xiang; Yashuang Guo; Feifei Zhao; Mengmeng Yang; Ni Hong; Wenxing Xu*; Guoping Wang*; Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose of Pyrus spp. in China, Persoonia, 2018, 42: 1-35. (2018 IF=8.18)
6. MengMeng Yang, LiFeng Zhai, Feng Xiao, Yashuang Guo, Min Fu, Ni Hong, Guoping Wang*. Characterization of a novel victorivirus isolated from the phytopathogenic fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea. Archives of Virology, 2019, 164:1609–1617. (2019 IF=2.26)