申顺善, 1966年生,吉林龙井人。博士,教授,硕士生导师。1988年毕业于沈阳农业大学植物保护专业;2001年毕业韩国国立庆尚大学植物病理专业,获农学硕士学位,2004年毕业于韩国国立庆尚大学植物病理专业,获农学博士学位,2004~2005年在韩国国立庆尚老员工命科学研究院做博士后研究。现为必赢bwin线路检测中心教授,河南省教育厅学术技术带头人。
1. 国家现代农业产业技术体系专项(CARS-23-B02),菜田生态与土壤管理,2016.01-2020.12,2021.01-2025.12,参加
2. 国家“十三五”重点研发计划,新型高效生物杀菌剂研发(2017YFD0201100),2017.01-2020.12,子课题主持
3. 国家“十三五”重点研发计划,设施蔬菜化肥农药减施增效技术集成研究与示范(2016YED0201008),2016.01-2020.12,参加
4. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目,种衣剂副作用安全防控技术研究与示范(201303030),2013.01-2018.12,子课题主持
5. 河南省高校重点科研项目,利用植物根际促生细菌防治辣椒主要病害研究(15A0033),2015.01-2016.12,主持
6. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,设施蔬菜连作障碍生物防治技术研究(122102110042),2012.01-2014.12,参加
7. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,无公害蔬菜主要病害亲环境防治技术研究与开发(92102110096),主持
8. 河南省重大公益性科研项目,河南省主要农作物重大病虫害成灾机理及可持续控制技术研究应用-玉米青枯病生物防治(081100911300),2008.01-2011.12,子课题主持
9. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,生防菌Serratia plymuthica A21-4根际定殖机理及其相关基因克隆,2008.01-2010.12,主持
10. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,蔬菜重要土传病害生物防治制剂的研制与开发(72102160009),2007.01-2009.12,主持
11. 河南省高等学校青年骨干教团队助计划项目,辣椒疫病生物防治制剂的开发与利用,2007.01-2009.12,主持
12. 必赢线路检测中心科技创新基金项目,辣椒疫病生防菌Serratia plymuthica A21-4防病机理研究,2007.01-2009.12,主持
1. Shen S S, Kim J W and Park C S. Serratia plymuthica strain A21-4, A potential biocontrol agent against Phytophthora blight of pepper. Plant Pathol. J., 2002, 18(3):138-141.
2. Shen S S, Choi O H, Lee S M. and Park C. S. In vitro and in vivo activities of a Biocontrol agent, Serratia plymuthica A21-4, against Phytopththora capsici. Plant Pathol. J., 2002, 18(4): 221-224.
3. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Park C S*. Sclerotinia Rot on Water Cress (Oenanthe javanica) Caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Res. Plant Dis., 2003, 9(2): 85-88.
4. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Park C S. Stem Rot of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. The korean journal of mycology, 2003, 31(2):117-119
5. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Park C S. Stem rot of Strawberry Caused by Sclerotium rolfssii in Korea. Plant Pathol. J., 2004, 20(2):103-105.
6. Kwon J H, Jee H J and Shen S S. Phytophthora rot on sword bean caused by Phytophthora nicotianae. Plant Pathol. J., 2004, 20(4):235-239.
7. Shen S S, Choi O H, Park S H, Kim C G and Park C S. Root colonizing and biocontrol competency of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 against Phytophthora blight of pepper. Plant Pathol. J., 2005, 21(1):64-67.
8. Shen S S, Park S H and Park C S. Enhancing of Biocontrol Efficacy of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 to Phytophthora Blight of Pepper by Improvement of Inoculation Buffer Solution. Plant Pathol. J., 2005, 21(1), 68-72.
9. Shen S S, Kim W I and Park C S. Effect of Hydrogel on Survial of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 in Soils and Plant Disease Suppression. Plant Pathol. J., 2006, 22(4):364-368.
10. Shen S S, Piao F Z, Lee B W and Park C S. 2007. Characterization of Antibiotic substance Produced by Serratia plymuthica A21-4 and the Biological Control Activity against Pepper Phytophthora Blight. Plant Pathol. J., 23(3):180-186.
11. Kwon J H, Jee H J, Shen S S and Chae Y S. Phytophthora Rot of Broad Bean (Vicia faba) Caused by Phytophthora nicotianae in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 2007, 23(1):31-33.
12. Kwon J H, Shen S S, Chae Y S and Park C S. Occurrence of Fruit Rot of Pumpkin Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. Res. Plant Dis. 2007, 13(1):53-56.
13. Lee J H, Shen S S, Park Y J, Ryu K Y and Jee H J. Evaluation of Hot Water Treatment for Disinfection of Vegetable Seeds for Organic Farming. Res. Plant Dis 2007, 13(3):157-163.
14. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Jee H J. Occurrence of Blue Mold on Tomato Caused by Penicillium oxalicum in Korea. Plant Pathol. J., 2008, 24(1):87-89.
15. Jee H J, Rye K Y, Shen S S, et al. Effect of COY(Cooking Oil Yolk mixture) and ACF (Air-circulation Fan) on Control of Powdery Mildew and Production of Organic Lettuce. Res. Plant Dis., 2008, 14(1):51-56.
16. Shen S S, Kim W I, Ryu K Y, et al. Increment of Population and Antifungal Activity of a Multifunctional Biological Agent of Bacillus subtilis R2-1 by Using Organic Fertilizer. Plant Pathol. J., 2008, 24(2):241.
17. Cao P, Shen S S*, Wen C Y, Song S and Park C S. The Effect of the Colonization of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 in Rhizosphere Soil and Root of Pepper in Different Soil Environment. Res. Plant Dis., 2009, 15(2):101-105.
18. Jee H J, Shen S S, Lee J H, Kim W I, Hong S J and Kim Y K. Conidial Disperse of the Pepper Anthracnose Fungus Colletotrichum acutatum and Its Density on Infected Fruits. Res. Plant Dis., 2010, 16(1):101-105.
19. Zhang L J, Shi H Z, Wang J J, Chang S X and Shen S S *. Selection of biocontrol agents against Phytophthora blight of pepper and its root colonization ability. Res. Plant Dis. 2010, 16(2):158-162.
20. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Kim J W. Occurrence of Pink Mold Rot of Strawberry Caused by Trichothecium roseum in Korea. Plant Pathol. J., 2010, 26(3):296
21. 王晶晶,蒋士君,常树娴,王拥军,申顺善*. 两株生防菌对烟草黑胫病的抑制活性及其鉴定. 中国烟草学报, 2011, 17(6):61-66.
22. Wen C Y, Yin Z G, Chen J G and Shen S S*. Purification and structural analysis of surfactin produced by endophytic Bacillus subtilis EBS05 from Cinnamomum camphora and its antagonistic activity against Rhizoctonia cerealis. Plant Pathol. J., 2011, 27(4):342-348.
23. Kwon J H, Kang D W, Choi O H and Shen S S*. Stem Rot of Stachys sieboldii Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Korea. Res. Plant Dis.2011, 17(3):399-401
24. Wen C Y, Zheng D G, Shen S S, Chen J G, Liu W C, Liu T. Streptomyces scabiei subsp. xuchangensis, A novel streptomycete isolate for staurosporine production and a wheat take-all control agent. International Journal of Microbiology Research, 2012, 4(7):282-289.
25. Kwon J H, Ryu J S, Phuong Chi T T, Shen S S and Choi O H. Soft Rot of Rhizopus oryzae as a Postharvest Pathogen of Banana Fruit in Korea. Mycobiology 2012, 40(3) : 214-216 .
26. 张维娜,郑新光,王伟丽,申顺善*,朴凤植*. 辣椒品种抗疫病评价及不同砧木嫁接效果. 北方园艺, 2013(16): 1-5.
27. 申顺善, 常淑娴, 朱宏业, 王晶晶, 张维娜, 朴凤植. 普城沙雷菌A21-4根际定殖能力及其对辣椒生长和诱导抗病性的影响. 植物病理学报,2013,43(6):636-642.
28. 申顺善,赵玉华,张利敬,常淑娴,王晶晶,朴凤植. 绿针假单胞菌HG28-5对辣椒疫病的抑制活性及其根际定殖特性的研究. 园艺学报, 2013,40(8):1574-1582.
29. Kwon J H, Lee S D, Choi O Y, Shen S S and Shim H S. Occurrence of Sclerotium Rot of Cucumber Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. Res. Plant Dis. 2013,19(3) : 229−232.
30. Kwon J H, Cho H S, Shen S S, Kim J W. The occurrence of Sclerotium rot on white clover (Trifolium repens L.) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Korea. Australasian Plant Dis. Notes.
31. 王继元, 吕雅悠, 于迪, 张维娜, 朴凤植, 申顺善*. 不同抗性辣椒品种根系分泌物对疫霉菌的影响. 中国蔬菜, 2014(1):13-16.
32. Kwon J H, Kang D W, Shen S S, Kim J W. The occurrence of sclerotium rot on Catharanthus roseus caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in South Korea. Australasian Plant Dis. Notes.
33. Kwon J H, Lee H S, Kim J W, Kim W I, Shim H S and Shen S S*. Sclerotium Rot of Cyclamen europaeum Caused by clerotium rolfsii. Res. Plant Dis. 2014,20(3):1-4.
34. 吕雅悠,丁方丽,王娟,文才艺,闫凤鸣,申顺善*. 两株促植物生长根际细菌对辣椒的促生效果及其再辣椒根际定殖能力. 北方园艺,2015(18): 26-30.
35. 陈鹏,王娟,丁方丽,文才艺,闫凤鸣,申顺善*. 不同种衣剂对白菜生长及其根际土壤微生态的影响. 北方园艺,2016(03): 169-173.
36. 吕雅悠,于迪,丁方丽,朴凤植,申顺善*. 促植物生长根际细菌A21-4对田间辣椒生长及根际土壤微生态环境的影响. 中国生物防治学报,2016,32(1): 86-92.
37. 王娟,刘东平,丁方丽,申沐京,文才艺,朴凤植,申顺善*. 促植物生长根际细菌HG28-5对黄瓜苗期生长及根际土壤微生态的影响. 中国蔬菜,2016(8): 50-55.
38. 申顺善,张莹莹,张维娜,吕雅悠,朱卓琳,朴凤植. 绿针假单胞菌HL5-4对番茄灰霉菌的抑制活性及其定殖能力. 2016,43(6): 1195-1202.
39. 王娟,陈鹏,丁方丽,刘东平,文才艺,闫凤鸣,申顺善*. 不同种衣剂处理对黄瓜生长及其根际微生态的影响. 必赢线路检测中心学报,2017,51(6): 792-796.
40. 王娟,陈鹏,李??,闫凤鸣,朴凤植,申顺善*. 两种种衣剂在辣椒上的应用安全性试验. 北方园艺,2018(05): 20-26.
41. 丁方丽,李??,刘东平,张忠良,孙治强,朴凤植,申顺善*. 植物根际促生菌普城沙雷菌A21-4对黄瓜生长及土壤微生态的影响. 2018(5): 36-41.
42. 张忠良,刘东平,潘培培,何梦菡,邢小萍,申顺善*. 多粘类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa)K18-5不同悬浮液处理对黄瓜枯萎病抑制作用的影响. 必赢线路检测中心学报,2019,53(5): 724-730.
43. 申顺善,张涛,王娟,刘东平,张珊珊,孙治强,朴凤植. 多粘类芽孢杆菌HK18-8对辣椒炭疽病菌的抑制作用及其定殖能力. 园艺学报,2019,46(3): 499-507.
44. 刘东平,张忠良,李??,文才艺,朴凤植,申顺善*. 两株生防细菌对苦瓜枯萎病的防治效果及其定殖密度的研究. 北方园艺,2019(03): 69-73.
45. 李??,张忠良,刘东平,孙治强,申顺善,朴凤植*. 生物炭肥对辣椒生长及其根际土壤微生态环境的影响. 中国蔬菜,2019(2): 53-58.
46. Guo Z X, Du N S, Li Y N, Zheng S X, Shen S S, Piao F Z. Gamma-aminobutyric acid enhances tolerance to iron deficiency by stimulating auxin signaling in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020. 4, ISSN:0147-6513.
47. 潘培培,刘东平,谢太震,张忠良,杜南山,朴凤植,申顺善*. 辣椒疫霉菌拮抗细菌L14-3的生防潜力及其鉴定. 中国瓜菜,2021,34(1):29-34.
1. 国家现代农业产业技术体系专项(CARS-23-B02),菜田生态与土壤管理,2016.01-2020.12,2021.01-2025.12,参加
2. 国家“十三五”重点研发计划,新型高效生物杀菌剂研发(2017YFD0201100),2017.01-2020.12,子课题主持
3. 国家“十三五”重点研发计划,设施蔬菜化肥农药减施增效技术集成研究与示范(2016YED0201008),2016.01-2020.12,参加
4. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目,种衣剂副作用安全防控技术研究与示范(201303030),2013.01-2018.12,子课题主持
5. 河南省高校重点科研项目,利用植物根际促生细菌防治辣椒主要病害研究(15A0033),2015.01-2016.12,主持
6. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,设施蔬菜连作障碍生物防治技术研究(122102110042),2012.01-2014.12,参加
7. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,无公害蔬菜主要病害亲环境防治技术研究与开发(92102110096),主持
8. 河南省重大公益性科研项目,河南省主要农作物重大病虫害成灾机理及可持续控制技术研究应用-玉米青枯病生物防治(081100911300),2008.01-2011.12,子课题主持
9. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,生防菌Serratia plymuthica A21-4根际定殖机理及其相关基因克隆,2008.01-2010.12,主持
10. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,蔬菜重要土传病害生物防治制剂的研制与开发(72102160009),2007.01-2009.12,主持
11. 河南省高等学校青年骨干教团队助计划项目,辣椒疫病生物防治制剂的开发与利用,2007.01-2009.12,主持
12. 必赢线路检测中心科技创新基金项目,辣椒疫病生防菌Serratia plymuthica A21-4防病机理研究,2007.01-2009.12,主持
1. Shen S S, Kim J W and Park C S. Serratia plymuthica strain A21-4, A potential biocontrol agent against Phytophthora blight of pepper. Plant Pathol. J., 2002, 18(3):138-141.
2. Shen S S, Choi O H, Lee S M. and Park C. S. In vitro and in vivo activities of a Biocontrol agent, Serratia plymuthica A21-4, against Phytopththora capsici. Plant Pathol. J., 2002, 18(4): 221-224.
3. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Park C S*. Sclerotinia Rot on Water Cress (Oenanthe javanica) Caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Res. Plant Dis., 2003, 9(2): 85-88.
4. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Park C S. Stem Rot of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. The korean journal of mycology, 2003, 31(2):117-119
5. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Park C S. Stem rot of Strawberry Caused by Sclerotium rolfssii in Korea. Plant Pathol. J., 2004, 20(2):103-105.
6. Kwon J H, Jee H J and Shen S S. Phytophthora rot on sword bean caused by Phytophthora nicotianae. Plant Pathol. J., 2004, 20(4):235-239.
7. Shen S S, Choi O H, Park S H, Kim C G and Park C S. Root colonizing and biocontrol competency of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 against Phytophthora blight of pepper. Plant Pathol. J., 2005, 21(1):64-67.
8. Shen S S, Park S H and Park C S. Enhancing of Biocontrol Efficacy of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 to Phytophthora Blight of Pepper by Improvement of Inoculation Buffer Solution. Plant Pathol. J., 2005, 21(1), 68-72.
9. Shen S S, Kim W I and Park C S. Effect of Hydrogel on Survial of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 in Soils and Plant Disease Suppression. Plant Pathol. J., 2006, 22(4):364-368.
10. Shen S S, Piao F Z, Lee B W and Park C S. 2007. Characterization of Antibiotic substance Produced by Serratia plymuthica A21-4 and the Biological Control Activity against Pepper Phytophthora Blight. Plant Pathol. J., 23(3):180-186.
11. Kwon J H, Jee H J, Shen S S and Chae Y S. Phytophthora Rot of Broad Bean (Vicia faba) Caused by Phytophthora nicotianae in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 2007, 23(1):31-33.
12. Kwon J H, Shen S S, Chae Y S and Park C S. Occurrence of Fruit Rot of Pumpkin Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. Res. Plant Dis. 2007, 13(1):53-56.
13. Lee J H, Shen S S, Park Y J, Ryu K Y and Jee H J. Evaluation of Hot Water Treatment for Disinfection of Vegetable Seeds for Organic Farming. Res. Plant Dis 2007, 13(3):157-163.
14. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Jee H J. Occurrence of Blue Mold on Tomato Caused by Penicillium oxalicum in Korea. Plant Pathol. J., 2008, 24(1):87-89.
15. Jee H J, Rye K Y, Shen S S, et al. Effect of COY(Cooking Oil Yolk mixture) and ACF (Air-circulation Fan) on Control of Powdery Mildew and Production of Organic Lettuce. Res. Plant Dis., 2008, 14(1):51-56.
16. Shen S S, Kim W I, Ryu K Y, et al. Increment of Population and Antifungal Activity of a Multifunctional Biological Agent of Bacillus subtilis R2-1 by Using Organic Fertilizer. Plant Pathol. J., 2008, 24(2):241.
17. Cao P, Shen S S*, Wen C Y, Song S and Park C S. The Effect of the Colonization of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 in Rhizosphere Soil and Root of Pepper in Different Soil Environment. Res. Plant Dis., 2009, 15(2):101-105.
18. Jee H J, Shen S S, Lee J H, Kim W I, Hong S J and Kim Y K. Conidial Disperse of the Pepper Anthracnose Fungus Colletotrichum acutatum and Its Density on Infected Fruits. Res. Plant Dis., 2010, 16(1):101-105.
19. Zhang L J, Shi H Z, Wang J J, Chang S X and Shen S S *. Selection of biocontrol agents against Phytophthora blight of pepper and its root colonization ability. Res. Plant Dis. 2010, 16(2):158-162.
20. Kwon J H, Shen S S and Kim J W. Occurrence of Pink Mold Rot of Strawberry Caused by Trichothecium roseum in Korea. Plant Pathol. J., 2010, 26(3):296
21. 王晶晶,蒋士君,常树娴,王拥军,申顺善*. 两株生防菌对烟草黑胫病的抑制活性及其鉴定. 中国烟草学报, 2011, 17(6):61-66.
22. Wen C Y, Yin Z G, Chen J G and Shen S S*. Purification and structural analysis of surfactin produced by endophytic Bacillus subtilis EBS05 from Cinnamomum camphora and its antagonistic activity against Rhizoctonia cerealis. Plant Pathol. J., 2011, 27(4):342-348.
23. Kwon J H, Kang D W, Choi O H and Shen S S*. Stem Rot of Stachys sieboldii Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Korea. Res. Plant Dis.2011, 17(3):399-401
24. Wen C Y, Zheng D G, Shen S S, Chen J G, Liu W C, Liu T. Streptomyces scabiei subsp. xuchangensis, A novel streptomycete isolate for staurosporine production and a wheat take-all control agent. International Journal of Microbiology Research, 2012, 4(7):282-289.
25. Kwon J H, Ryu J S, Phuong Chi T T, Shen S S and Choi O H. Soft Rot of Rhizopus oryzae as a Postharvest Pathogen of Banana Fruit in Korea. Mycobiology 2012, 40(3) : 214-216 .
26. 张维娜,郑新光,王伟丽,申顺善*,朴凤植*. 辣椒品种抗疫病评价及不同砧木嫁接效果. 北方园艺, 2013(16): 1-5.
27. 申顺善, 常淑娴, 朱宏业, 王晶晶, 张维娜, 朴凤植. 普城沙雷菌A21-4根际定殖能力及其对辣椒生长和诱导抗病性的影响. 植物病理学报,2013,43(6):636-642.
28. 申顺善,赵玉华,张利敬,常淑娴,王晶晶,朴凤植. 绿针假单胞菌HG28-5对辣椒疫病的抑制活性及其根际定殖特性的研究. 园艺学报, 2013,40(8):1574-1582.
29. Kwon J H, Lee S D, Choi O Y, Shen S S and Shim H S. Occurrence of Sclerotium Rot of Cucumber Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. Res. Plant Dis. 2013,19(3) : 229−232.
30. Kwon J H, Cho H S, Shen S S, Kim J W. The occurrence of Sclerotium rot on white clover (Trifolium repens L.) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Korea. Australasian Plant Dis. Notes.
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