1. 河南省有害盲蝽灾变规律与防控技术的研究及应用,河南省科学技术进步二等奖,2021,第八完成人
2. 河南省有害盲蝽区域灾变机理与防控技术的研究及应用,河南省农业科研系统科技成果奖一等奖,2020,第八完成人
3. 蛾类性信息素生物合成及感受的分子机制,河南省科技厅科学技术成果,2019, 第二完成人
4. Glomerular identification in the antennal lobe of the male moth Helicoverpa armigera, 河南省教育厅优秀科技论文二等奖,2019, 第一完成人
5. Central projection of antennal sensory neurons in the central nervous system of the mired bug Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür),河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖,2019, 第二完成人
6. Fine structure and primary sensory projections of sensilla located in the labial-palp pit organ of Helicoverpa armigera (Insecta),河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖,2017, 第一完成人
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,项目名称“寄主植物挥发物与棉铃虫性信息素协同增效作用的神经和分子机理”(项目编号:32130089),2022.01-2026.12,参加, 在研
2. 河南省重大科技专项项目,项目名称“河南省草地贪夜蛾发生规律及防控技术研究与示范”(编号201300111500),2020.07-2023.12,参加,在研
3. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,项目名称“植物-昆虫关系:植食性昆虫对二氧化碳、性信息素和植物挥发物的嗅觉通路成像”(编号31861133019)2019.1-2021.12,参加,结题
4. 河南省高校科技创新人才项目,项目名称“气味对棉铃虫生殖行为调控的嗅觉机制” (编号19HASTIT011)2019.1-2020.12,主持,结题
5. NSFC-河南联合基金,项目名称“构建棉铃虫触角叶编码气味分子的功能图谱”(编号U1604109)。2017.1-2019.12,主持,结题
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称“棉铃虫下唇须对其嗅觉行为的调控作用及神经机制”(编号31471830)。2015.1-2018.12。主持,结题
1. 刘晓岚,尹新明,王桂荣*,赵新成*,雄性棉铃虫感受性信息素的分子和神经机制研究进展。昆虫学报,2020, 63(9): 1136-1144.
2. 马百伟,刘晓岚,常亚军,谢桂英,陈文波,刘杨,赵新成*,王桂荣*, 利用单感器记录与神经元示踪结合对棉铃虫主要性信息素感器内神经元投射的鉴定。昆虫学报,2020, 63(4): 413-420.
3. 谢桂英,马百伟,刘晓岚,常亚军,陈文波,张永军,赵新成*,绿盲蝽腹神经节的解剖结构. 昆虫学报, 2019, 62(9):1102-1108.
4. 陈秋燕, 常亚军, 郭倩倩, 苏冉冉, 王 博, 贺 静, 谢桂英, 赵新成*,应用3D打印技术辅助识别昆虫脑解剖结构。昆虫学报,2018, 61(4):439-448。
5. Wen-Bo Chen#, Li-Xiao Du#, Xiao-Yan Gao, Long-Long Sun, Lin-Lin Chen, Gui-Ying Xie, Shi-Heng An, Xin-Cheng Zhao*, 2022. Identification of odorant-binding and chemosensory protein genes in Mythimna separata adult brains using transcriptome analyses. Frontiers in Physiology, 13:839559
6. Long-Long Sun, Xiao-Lan Liu, Ya-Nan Wang, Bente G. Berg, Gui-Ying Xie, Wen-Bo Chen, Yang Liu, Gui-Rong Wang, Xin-Cheng Zhao*, Qing-Bo Tang*, Neuronal architecture and functional mapping of the taste center of larval Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insect Science, First published: 24 August 2021
7. Jonas Hansen Kymre, Xiao-Lan Liu, Elena Ian, Christoffer Nerland Berge , Gui-Rong Wang, Bente G. Berg, Xin-Cheng Zhao*, Xi Chu *, Distinct protocerebral neuropils associated with attractive and aversive female-produced odorants in the male moth brain. eLife, 2021, 65683.
8. Alexander S Bates, Philipp Schlegel, Ruairi JV Roberts, Nikolas Drummond, Imaan FM Tamimi, Robert Turnbull, Xin-Cheng Zhao, Elizabeth C Marin, Patricia D Popovici, Serene Dhawan, Arian Jamasb, Alexandre Javier, Laia Serratosa Capdevila, Feng Li, Gerald M Rubin, Scott Waddell, Davi D Bock, Marta Costa, Gregory SXE Jefferis, Complete connectomic reconstruction of olfactory projection neurons in the fly brain. Current Biology, 2020, 30(16): 3183-3199.
9. Gui-Ying Xie, Bai-Wei Ma, Xiao-Lan Liu, Ya-Jun Chang, Wen-Bo Chen, Guo-ping Li, Hong-Qiang Feng, Yong-Jun Zhang, Bente G Berg, Xin-Cheng Zhao*, Brain organization of Apolygus lucorum: an Hemiptera species with prominent antennal lobes. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2019, 13:70, doi: 10.3389/fnan.2019.00070.
10. Qing-Bo Tang, Wei-Wei Song, Ya-Jun Chang, Gui-Ying Xie, Wen-Bo Chen*, Xin-Cheng Zhao*, Distribution of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the brain and gnathal ganglion of caterpillar Helicoverpa armigera. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2019, 13: 56, doi:10.3389/fnana.2019.00056
11. Bai-Wei Ma, Xin-Cheng Zhao*, Bente G. Berg, Gui-Ying Xie, Qing-Bo Tang, Gui-Rong Wang, Central projections of antennal and labial palp sensory neurons in the migratory armyworm Mythimna separata. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2017, 11:370, doi:10.3389/fncel.2017.00370.
12. Xin-Cheng Zhao*, Gui-Ying Xie, Bente G. Berg, Joachim Schachtner, Uwe Homberg, Distribution of tachykinin-related peptides in the brain of the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2017, 525(18): 3918-3934.