杜鹏强,男,中共党员,农药学博士,校聘教授,博士生导师。主要从事生物农药、农药环境毒理学和作物土传病害防控相关研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、国家重点实验室开放课题基金1项,参与多项国家级和省部级科研课题。申报专利4项。近年来,以第一或通讯作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials,Food Chemistry,Science of the Total Environment等期刊发表SCI论文13篇,其中一区Top期刊3篇,影响因子大于10的3篇,累计影响因子达64.8。
2006.09-2011.06 河南科技学院 植物保护
2011.09-2014.06 福建农林大学 农药学
2014.09-2018.06 华中师范大学 农药学
2018.08-至今 必赢bwin线路检测中心
1. Pengqiang Du; Hairong He; Lin Zhou; Fengshou Dong; Xingang Liu; Yongquan Zheng. (2021). Different biodegradation potential and the impacted soil functions of epoxiconazole in two soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 422. 126787(IF2021: 10.588)
2. Pengqiang Du; Hairong He; Xiaohu Wu; Jun Xu; Fengshou Dong; Xingang Liu; Yongquan Zheng. (2021). Mesosulfuron-methyl influenced biodegradability potential and N transformation of soil Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416. 125770(IF2021: 10.588)
3. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu; Xu Jun; Dong Fengshou; Liu Xingang; Yongquan Zheng*. (2018). Effects of Trifluralin on the Soil Microbial Community and Functional Groups Involved in Nitrogen Cycling. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 353, 204–213. (IF2021: 10.588)
4. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu*; Jun Xu; Fengshou Dong; Xingang Liu; Ying Zhang; Yongquan Zheng. (2018) Clomazone influence soil microbial community and soil nitrogen cycling. Science of the Total Environment, 644, 475-485. (IF2021: 7.963)
5. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu*; Xu Jun; Dong Fengshou; Liu Xingang; Wei Dongmei; Zheng Yongquan. (2017). Determination and dissipation of mesotrione and its metabolites in rice using UPLC and triple-quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry, 229, 260-267. (IF2021: 7.514)
6. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu; He Hairong; Zhang Ying; Xu Jun; Dong Fengshou; Liu Xingang*; Zheng Yongquan. (2018). Evaluation of the safe use and dietary risk of beta-cypermethrin, pyriproxyfen, avermectin, diflubenzuron and chlorothalonil in button mushroom. Scientific Reports, 7, e8694. (IF2021: 4.379)
7. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu; Xu Jun; Dong Fengshou; Shi Yingchun; Li Yuanbo; Liu Xingang*; Zheng Yongquan*. (2018). Different residue behaviors of four pesticides in mushroom using two different application methods. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 8377-8387. (IF2021: 4 223)
8. Hairong He; Fei Gao; Yonghong Zhang; Pengqiang Du*; Weisheng Feng; Xiaoke Zheng. (2020) Effect of processing on the reduction of pesticide residues in a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 37, 1156-1164. (IF2021: 3.057)
9. Du Pengqiang; Liu Xingang; Gu Xiaojun; Dong Fengshou; Xu Jun; Kong Zhiqiang; Li Yuanbo; Zheng Yongquan. (2014) Residue behaviour of six pesticides in button crimini during home canning. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A, 31, 1081-1088. (IF2021: 3.057)
10. Du Pengqiang; Liu Xingang1; Gu Xiaojun; Dong Fengshou; Xu, Jun; Kong Zhiqiang; Zhu Yulong; Li Yuanbo; Zheng Yongquan. (2013). Rapid residue analysis of pyriproxyfen, avermectins and diflubenzuron in mushrooms by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 5, 6741-6747. (IF2021: 2.896)
中国植物保护学会农药残留与环境安全专业委员会委员,Enviromental microbiology,Journal of Environmental Management等期刊审稿人。
2006.09-2011.06 河南科技学院 植物保护
2011.09-2014.06 福建农林大学 农药学
2014.09-2018.06 华中师范大学 农药学
2018.08-至今 必赢bwin线路检测中心
1. Pengqiang Du; Hairong He; Lin Zhou; Fengshou Dong; Xingang Liu; Yongquan Zheng. (2021). Different biodegradation potential and the impacted soil functions of epoxiconazole in two soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 422. 126787(IF2021: 10.588)
2. Pengqiang Du; Hairong He; Xiaohu Wu; Jun Xu; Fengshou Dong; Xingang Liu; Yongquan Zheng. (2021). Mesosulfuron-methyl influenced biodegradability potential and N transformation of soil Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416. 125770(IF2021: 10.588)
3. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu; Xu Jun; Dong Fengshou; Liu Xingang; Yongquan Zheng*. (2018). Effects of Trifluralin on the Soil Microbial Community and Functional Groups Involved in Nitrogen Cycling. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 353, 204–213. (IF2021: 10.588)
4. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu*; Jun Xu; Fengshou Dong; Xingang Liu; Ying Zhang; Yongquan Zheng. (2018) Clomazone influence soil microbial community and soil nitrogen cycling. Science of the Total Environment, 644, 475-485. (IF2021: 7.963)
5. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu*; Xu Jun; Dong Fengshou; Liu Xingang; Wei Dongmei; Zheng Yongquan. (2017). Determination and dissipation of mesotrione and its metabolites in rice using UPLC and triple-quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry, 229, 260-267. (IF2021: 7.514)
6. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu; He Hairong; Zhang Ying; Xu Jun; Dong Fengshou; Liu Xingang*; Zheng Yongquan. (2018). Evaluation of the safe use and dietary risk of beta-cypermethrin, pyriproxyfen, avermectin, diflubenzuron and chlorothalonil in button mushroom. Scientific Reports, 7, e8694. (IF2021: 4.379)
7. Du Pengqiang; Wu Xiaohu; Xu Jun; Dong Fengshou; Shi Yingchun; Li Yuanbo; Liu Xingang*; Zheng Yongquan*. (2018). Different residue behaviors of four pesticides in mushroom using two different application methods. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 8377-8387. (IF2021: 4 223)
8. Hairong He; Fei Gao; Yonghong Zhang; Pengqiang Du*; Weisheng Feng; Xiaoke Zheng. (2020) Effect of processing on the reduction of pesticide residues in a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 37, 1156-1164. (IF2021: 3.057)
9. Du Pengqiang; Liu Xingang; Gu Xiaojun; Dong Fengshou; Xu Jun; Kong Zhiqiang; Li Yuanbo; Zheng Yongquan. (2014) Residue behaviour of six pesticides in button crimini during home canning. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A, 31, 1081-1088. (IF2021: 3.057)
10. Du Pengqiang; Liu Xingang1; Gu Xiaojun; Dong Fengshou; Xu, Jun; Kong Zhiqiang; Zhu Yulong; Li Yuanbo; Zheng Yongquan. (2013). Rapid residue analysis of pyriproxyfen, avermectins and diflubenzuron in mushrooms by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 5, 6741-6747. (IF2021: 2.896)
中国植物保护学会农药残留与环境安全专业委员会委员,Enviromental microbiology,Journal of Environmental Management等期刊审稿人。